Step 1: Record Your States' Pick 3 Draw Results Side by Side
Really dig into the completed results of Ohios' draw games for March 2022 in the image below.
This recording perspective always wants us to look at two sets of draw results to reduce the pool of numbers and reason out our deductions for number combinations for our workouts.
I've designed my MSEXCEL BOX HIT STRATEGY WORKBOOK to make note of High Low and Mediums Sums and to also count those Sums. I've also noted if the draw was a Single or Double. I'm not worried about Triples, because they will always show up when I do my workouts for Double numbers. Your Free Download tracking sheet is set up this way too. You'll
NOT TO TRIP YOU UP, but I purposefully made an error in labeling the draw results for the Midday game on March 2nd. In error, I gave it a NO SHARE REPEAT DOUBLE - NSRD label. When it should be a SRD or SHARE REPEAT DOUBLE, because the heavy bold box around the 9 means the middays' draw shared the number 9 from the game the evening prior. I did this on purpose so that you would go back and take a look at what I'm talking about. I'm trying to be a good teacher. Making you think and be able to catch your own mistakes when you start recording your States' draw results in this manner. Anyway, by recording the Midday results this way we can assign it a SHARE or NO SHARE scenario by using the numbers drawn in the prior evening draw. We are now equipped to workout all the possible draws for each scenario if we were wanting to wager on the Midday Game. Again, before you move on---really dig into these results---this is how you will be recording your states' results if your are going to leap into the BOX HIT STRATEGY process and workouts. I'm certain that if you combine your own system of working up numbers alongside my process, you'll increase your ability to wager on the winning scenario after your workups. Free Immediate DownloadIf you want to start recording both games in your States pick 3 draw results using my processght this very minute, download the printable worksheet and print one a month as needed. Have a pencil handy, and be sure to have two separate color highlighters and a red pen. And you are ready to go.
Your Medium Sums are going to come out more often because there is more of them. According to my records for the draw results for Ohio in 2021, on average you can expect a double to happen about 9 times a month for each game. Medium sums average 18 times a month. 7 is the average a month for Low Sums; and 4 to 5 is the average for High Sums.
I'm sure that these numbers will be roughly close to any states' draw 3 results. Any number that will ever show up in any pick 3 game is in the grid below as a BOX HIT. The powers that be at the lottery centers don't want you to see these numbers organized this way. Really dig into the number combinations in this image. You'll start to sense that a BOX HIT with frequency really can be possible. |
Along with my Box Hit Strategy, I'm always balancing the bell. I went back 6 years of games in Ohio. You know what they all had in common? Of the 365 days in a year, there were an average of 51 unique numbers combinations that WERE NOT DRAWN out of the 220 unique combinations available in the Pick 3 game. At least thats what I saw in the Evening Game. I'm sure the Midday Game will be quite close to that same average. So, using this 220 Combo Bell Grid you could start scratching off numbers to see whats hasn't yet come out in your state. It will help you pick combinations when you don't feel like doing Box Hit workouts. When I use to bartend, I would bring it to work with me so my customers who play their numbers at our lottery terminal could have a peek.
If you like this idea, I have a one page Printable PDF file that is for immediate download. It is a complete list of all 220 Unique Single and Double Combinations organized in their Low, Medium and High SUMs that can be used to play for a BOX HIT. You can use this to Print over and over again. Use it to track the last 120 days of draws for one game in your State, and take note of what hasn't come out yet. You'll notice that the Bell always seem to keep balanced. Keep in mind in a years times 50 of those combinations won't come out---while there will be others that will show up two, three, four, five and even six times. This file can also help you stay organized for your boxhit strategy workouts. If you do decide to purchase, Gumroad will require you to share an email address but the good news is your purchase is always there waiting for you if you lose the download. I like Gumroad, I buy alot of animation video tutorials from artists there, and they are all neatly in one place for me use get to for review and/or downoad. |
Doing the WORKOUTS are your pocket Aces.
No good poker player ever got to be GOOD without being mentally tough, using caution, and knowing when to play and not to play. He always knows which cards are left in the deck and the chances of them being draw when there are two players, three players, four players, and more. It's going to be the same with this BOX HIT STRATEGY process and workouts. Your going to learn how to play the game in your state based off of its past results. If you are gonna play the Pick 3 lottery game, then PLAY TO WIN! Be the poker player of the Pick 3. Know the game, and know whats possible in each scenario; and make intelligent bets based on knowledge, not emotion, not ego and not because you feel lucky. Scratch that last part. Always feel Lucky. Always walk into the store that is housing your lottery terminal with the intention your are going to WIN! Intention is a very power force. Working out the BOX HITS for each scenario is fun to do, but it requires a little brain power. You most certainly cannot be---mentally lazy. All you need is your States results, a pencil and paper, and go to work eliminating and including numbers that fit each of the scenarios. Then choose your best bet for the money. If you got this far, your probably one of the people who will benefit greatly from this BOX HIT STRATEGY process. You too will see the workouts as a fun challenge, and you'll enjoy watching the trends unfold in your states' pick 3 game. More importantly, you will know when to play, and which scenarios have a greater chance at showing up. The Scenarios and their Highest to Lowest FrequencyBased on my records recording the draw results for the State of Ohio's Pick 3 Game since 2011, here is the order from Highest to Lowest in frequency for all 8 scenarios.
Workout #1 - March 9, 2022 Evening Game - OhioUsing my MSEXCEL BOX HIT WORKBOOK, below is clip from my SHARE NO REPEAT SINGLE (SNRS) workout that I did to wager on the Evening Game for March 9, 2022. Remember, SNRS's come out with the 2nd highest in frequency each month.
The Midday number was 353, and the number in the evening game the night prior was 427. I was able to eliminate the numbers, 2, 4, and 7 from my workout, because in this scenario I'm saying that it will be a no repeat day, no 2, no 4, and no 7 can show up. Moreover is that, in this Shared scenario every combination number will need to have either a 3 or a 5 in the combination for March 9th to be considered a SHARE NO REPEAT SINGLE. I only needed $2 to bet on the HIGH Sums to atch the BOX HIT for the $41.50 win. It would of cost me $9.50 to play the Medium Sums, which is doable, but I play in reserved fashion, so that I can play more often. I like waiting for low and high sums to be due. It takes me about 20 minutes to do all 8 workouts in the SHARE and NO SHARE SCENARIOS. After I'm done I decide which of them is the best bet for my money. I'm only willing to lose $10 on $41.40 return for a BOX HIT. And I'll go as high as $18 if I'm feeling my states' trend is ready for DOUBLES to be due; as Ohio's prize is $83 for a BOX HIT on a double.
Let's do another Workout. Workout #2 - Feb 17, 2022 - Evening Game - OhioUsing my MSEXCEL BOX HIT WORKBOOK, below is clip from my SHARE REPEAT SINGLE (SRS) workout that I did to wager on the Evening Game for February 17, 2022. Remember, SRS's come out with the Highest of frequency each month.
The Midday number was 507, and the number in the evening game the night prior was 407. In order for a combination to be labled as a SHARE REPEAT SINGLE (SRS) the combinations in this scenarios would all need to have a 0, 5 or 7 for the SHARE, with a 0, 4 OR 7 for the REPEAT. That's it. By myself I needed $18 to wager on the Medium sums. That's too much for my blood, but it just so happened family was here, and 4 of us chipped in $4.50 to cover the mediums sums in the SRS scenario. Understand that if I would of lost if I was to play this scenario myself; because I would of aimed for the $4.00 wager on the High sums, not the medium. But my point is, by doing the workouts for each scenario, the winning number will always be staring me in the face. Workout #3 - April 3, 2022 - Evening Game - OhioTo stir things up a little here is a fun little video I pulled together for my followers to show all the workouts for the Evening Game for April 3rd. 090 was the Midday draw, and 482 was the Evening draw the night prior. The Medium sum winning number 962 was in the SHARE REPEAT SINGLE workout.
In Summary ...Again, It takes me about 20 minutes to do all 8 workouts in the SHARE and NO SHARE SCENARIOS. I do them even when I have no intension of playing myself, but only to share with my followers. So, I needed to be able to fly through the workouts. In order to fly through the workouts, I made myself a 220 Combination Filter in my EXCEL BOX HIT STRATEGY WORKBOOK. But, .....
its not needed to do the workouts. I'm going to give you a Free download below of my WORKOUT BOXES for both the SHARED and NO SHARE WORKOUTS. You can print them out as needed to assist you in doing the mental jog yourself by hand. Now that you've learned you could look at the game from this SHARE and NO SHARE perspective and consider repeating and non repeating numbers, the ability to actually write down the next winning draw numbers has always been available to you. The best poker players got that way because they did grunt work. They play to Win! I play to Win! The pick 3 game doesn't have to be a mystery, numbers are going to share, and not share. The are going to repeat and not repeat. Singles are going to happen more than Doubles, and the goal should always be to wager the best bet for your money. After I'm done doing my workouts, I decide which of them is the best bet for my money. I'm only willing to lose $10 on $41.40 return for a BOX HIT. And I'll go as high as $18 if I'm feeling my states' trend is ready for DOUBLES to be due. Ohio has a $83 prize for a BOX HIT on a double. Look, I know Straight hits pay better, but they are harder to catch. However, using my process and getting to know your State's trend you are way better positioned to aim for straight hits then you were without the perspective I just taught you. Free Downloads to get you STARTED.