PLEASE READ: The services below require that we have chatted below before you use one of the bottons to make a payment. If I am on line you will see a chat window in the bottom right corner of the screen. Say Hi, and lets get started.
Pressing Questions
Let's use your Natal Stars to answer your most pressing question. I will use your natal chart to offer you direction or clarity in any matter from Children, Career, Love, Money or Health. Time expectation: 30 minutes.
Lucky Me, Lucky You
This consult is designed for the serious gambler. I play to Win. You should Play to Win too. Your BIRTH CHART will give us your Lucky Numbers, tell me when you are lucky, and even the best time of the day to buy your tickets, or sit down at the tables in the casino. Time expectation: 30 to 45 minutes.
Relationship Analysis
This is my unique process of getting in touch with the energies of two people when they come together. This process helps to learn what positive and negative traits may lie within the relationship through the sound of your first names strung together as in ROMEO AND JUILET.
$150 Personal Video Call Chat Consult
You will need an hour or more of free time for this Consult and No Camera is necessary. This unique consult is indepth and at length available ONLY by appointment. I offer my clients the full scope of my services to satisfy your interests which includes exploring your birth chart and the birth charts of others as well as local space Astrology for the best possible outcome to service your current needs.
Using Googles Team Meets this consults allows me to share files with you and my screen as well as have a more personal contact through a voiced call. |