Part 1 of 3 - Box His Strategy for Pick 3 Draw Game
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FREE! DownloadsExcept for a Black and Red Pen and a Blue and Yellow Highlighter everything you need to work this Deductive Reasoning Strategy for a Box Hit in any States' Draw 3 Game is available to you here to Download for FREE.
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Part 2 of 3 How To Video |
Part 3 of 3 How To Video |
Here's how the Deductive Reasoning System Works
The strategy is fun. It's easy to learn.
The Draw 3 Game Tracking sheet reflects . . .
In short, and based on game history and after the midday day number is drawn you are going to decide on whether you think that day with be a SHARED or a NO SHARED DAY. Than you'll proceed to workup the the 4 separate scenario possibilities and decide which offer the best best for the money against the return. See the steps below, and watch the video.
The NO SHARE Scenario
These are the 4 options in a
OHIO DRAW 3 GAME RESULTSWorkout Worksheet for NO SHAREYou can download the 3 files
that will help you track your State's draw numbers, and you can follow us on Facebook for updates on Ohio's draw game. |
The SHARED Scenario
SHARED SCENARIO WORKOUTThese are the 4 options for a
SHARED scenario Playing a SHARED scenario can get a bit hairy, because you are betting one (or two) of the numbers that were drawn midday to show up that evening. In addition, you need to decide if you think a number from the previous draw will repeat. If you do the workouts, the winning number will be in there, you just have to choose which is the best bet to make for the return on the win. For instance,
Look at results for January 16th in the results chart to the right, the midday draw was 6 0 0. (Personally I would of bet against this day being another SHARED day and lost as it is unusual for OHIO to see 7 days straight in SHARED scenario). But, let's look at it anyway, because it was a double draw for the midday, and double draws help to keep betting costs down for the Evening bet, since I only have two numbers to worry about coming in that will make it a SHARED DAY. These workouts are fun to do, but to cover all the possibilities doesn't justify the win, but you can still work them up and see what it will cost you to cover something you think could happen by including which are Low, Medium and High sums, and deciding on which of them is due. In this workout worksheet to the right you'll see that I use the midday draw 6 and 0 to be my key numbers, that I will match up with all the numbers, except with themselves, because we betting SHARE REPEAT SINGLE, not a SHARE REPEAT DOUBLE. Remember each of the 2 scenarios have 4 sub options, and its your job to make the judgement call base on trend. It would cost $12.00 to bet that the 0 would SHARE and $8.00 to cover the 6 would SHARE. That's $20 bucks to try to win $41.50. Not a good bet. So you pick one, such as the 6 with the 3 line and spend $4.00. As you do workouts for the different scenarios, you'll start to get a sense of which ones you like to play based on your States trend. |
OHIO DRAW 3 GAME RESULTSWorkout Worksheet for SHAREYou can download the 3 files
In conclusion,
Do I pick the wrong workout to lay my bet on? Yes, of course I do, but the workout may of only cost me a few dollars. You see, I am only willing to lose $10 in the draw games so I needed a system to play to keep me within my limits. So I play when I like the trend, and when I have the Stars on my side.
When I do pick the right workout, my return to cover an array of high sum numbers gets me the $41.50 for a $7.50 bet. When I think doubles are due, my small bet covering an array of doubles numbers gets me $83.50. Both are nice small bets for a nice little return. You can do the same. All you need to do is to track your States numbers, evaluate the trends, and take the time to do the workouts and make a judgement call. That's it.
Again, this strategy is just a 'matter of deduction' against a particular group of possible scenarios. And this strategy is a Box Hit strategy, it's not gonna make you rich, but it will make playing a lot more fun and what the heck, I made it easy for you to keep track of your own States' game and I even give you the worksheets to help you with each particular scenario you think is ready to happen.
This work and giving it away for free is dedicated to my Mom. She's gone 15 years now, but somehow her presence in my life just keeps getting louder and louder. If she were still here today, she would of went 'NUTS' over this stragety, I can just see her now. She would be sitting at the kitchen table with her house coat on, penciling in her numbers on one of these worksheets, "...because she had a feelin'..." and she'd be scratching up a few bucks out of her pocket to send me to the store to play her choices. She gave me my love of numbers, and its been fun sharing it with you.
Have fun with it, share it with others, and I leave you hoping the strategy puts a little play money in your pocket.
When I do pick the right workout, my return to cover an array of high sum numbers gets me the $41.50 for a $7.50 bet. When I think doubles are due, my small bet covering an array of doubles numbers gets me $83.50. Both are nice small bets for a nice little return. You can do the same. All you need to do is to track your States numbers, evaluate the trends, and take the time to do the workouts and make a judgement call. That's it.
- Is a double due?
- Is a high sum due?
- or a low sum?
- Do you think the 2 will repeat from yesterday?
- Will you see a number from the midday game show up in the Evening?
Again, this strategy is just a 'matter of deduction' against a particular group of possible scenarios. And this strategy is a Box Hit strategy, it's not gonna make you rich, but it will make playing a lot more fun and what the heck, I made it easy for you to keep track of your own States' game and I even give you the worksheets to help you with each particular scenario you think is ready to happen.
This work and giving it away for free is dedicated to my Mom. She's gone 15 years now, but somehow her presence in my life just keeps getting louder and louder. If she were still here today, she would of went 'NUTS' over this stragety, I can just see her now. She would be sitting at the kitchen table with her house coat on, penciling in her numbers on one of these worksheets, "...because she had a feelin'..." and she'd be scratching up a few bucks out of her pocket to send me to the store to play her choices. She gave me my love of numbers, and its been fun sharing it with you.
Have fun with it, share it with others, and I leave you hoping the strategy puts a little play money in your pocket.
The Deductive Reasoning Strategy for MS EXCEL
If you have Microsoft Excel and would like to use your computer to record your State's draw game numbers as I do in the videos above, you can purchase a blank template for only $9.99.
I programmed the Excel Workbook so that once the draw numbers are entered the averages for each month are calculated and the frequency of position for the numbers is also calculated. It took me a good 3 years to get it to this point and its makes analyzing your States' game a bit more in depth. But you don't need it to take of advantage of this strategy. Its for computer nerds like me and its important you understand that it is not a program, its an Excel sheet pimped for progress when you input the correct information. |