The Kentucky Derby has its place among the stars, and its calculated for 5:40 PM in Louisville, Kentucky for May 17, 1875 when Aristides and his rider Oliver Lewis left the gate for the finish. Its no wonder the sport of horse racing has been called the Sport of Kings and is the best betting day for the sport. Jupiter is big, big, big and so does he make everything he touches big.
The planet Jupiter was rising at 23° of Libra. In star logic, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and as you may already know the symbol for Sagittarius is the Centaur, the half man half horse. And while one of Libra star sign signatures is that of grace and one social events its also no surprise everybody loves The Kentucky Derby. When a planet rises at the horizon at any point in time its influence colors the life of that event. So the lore and love of The Kentucky Derby by the people was born right there out of the gate.
Have the Moon trailing right behind Jupiter ensured the events' continued popularity. But what about this Curse of Apollo that occurred in 1882. Well, we need to get over to 8th house for that---but before we do...
...its important you keep in mind that nothing lasts forever, and that included curses, so its only a matter of time it ends. The only questions is, when will it end? It the stars in their orbit symbolize a big celestial clock, in that they are all measurable which means their positions can be predictable, maybe there is tick happening now that suggests the curse could end. So, lets have a look.
I want you to know that the planets all have their job to do, so to speak, ---and like us humans (and race horses) some of them do a better job at their task when well positioned---such as a race horse's post position. The planets do better jobs when in transiting signs that are more harmonious with their own energies---and they tend to make a mess of things when they are in signs that don't.
Getting back to the birth chart of the Derby, the Sun, which rules all physical vitality and games of chance, at the birth of the Derby was in Taurus at the 26th degree, and following right behind him in that sign signature, was the Planet Pluto at 22° of Taurus. The Sun in Taurus is busy getting its job done with the vegetation growth so we can eat ---so Taurus is an okay place for the Sun to be. But Pluto in Taurus,
...nott so much, he is considered to be in his detriment, and this is where the Curse of Apollo seems to stand when looking at the birth chart of The Kentucky Derby. As even Pluto's measuring degree parallels to the number 2 (only doubled up for power) of the age that no race horse starting as a 2 year has won the Derby, since Apollo in 1882. And, let me remind you the word Apollo, in Greek myth, is known as the God of the Sun. So the Sun and Pluto seem to be in on this curse together. So together they must be to break it. And that is happening this Saturn. The will be in Trine, meaning forming a 120° angle to each other.
As I see it, the birth chart for The Kentucky Derby, foretells of a curse involving the number 2---So let's see what the stars are doing for when Apollo set the curse in motion in 1882, and for this 144th Kentucky Derby.
...its important you keep in mind that nothing lasts forever, and that included curses, so its only a matter of time it ends. The only questions is, when will it end? It the stars in their orbit symbolize a big celestial clock, in that they are all measurable which means their positions can be predictable, maybe there is tick happening now that suggests the curse could end. So, lets have a look.
I want you to know that the planets all have their job to do, so to speak, ---and like us humans (and race horses) some of them do a better job at their task when well positioned---such as a race horse's post position. The planets do better jobs when in transiting signs that are more harmonious with their own energies---and they tend to make a mess of things when they are in signs that don't.
Getting back to the birth chart of the Derby, the Sun, which rules all physical vitality and games of chance, at the birth of the Derby was in Taurus at the 26th degree, and following right behind him in that sign signature, was the Planet Pluto at 22° of Taurus. The Sun in Taurus is busy getting its job done with the vegetation growth so we can eat ---so Taurus is an okay place for the Sun to be. But Pluto in Taurus,
...nott so much, he is considered to be in his detriment, and this is where the Curse of Apollo seems to stand when looking at the birth chart of The Kentucky Derby. As even Pluto's measuring degree parallels to the number 2 (only doubled up for power) of the age that no race horse starting as a 2 year has won the Derby, since Apollo in 1882. And, let me remind you the word Apollo, in Greek myth, is known as the God of the Sun. So the Sun and Pluto seem to be in on this curse together. So together they must be to break it. And that is happening this Saturn. The will be in Trine, meaning forming a 120° angle to each other.
As I see it, the birth chart for The Kentucky Derby, foretells of a curse involving the number 2---So let's see what the stars are doing for when Apollo set the curse in motion in 1882, and for this 144th Kentucky Derby.
The above chart erected for the time of Apollo leaving the gate in on May 16, 1882 at 6:30 PM shows that the Sun again has a meet up with nearby Pluto, ---this time Pluto is in the lead by 2 degrees. But whats interesting is that the Moon, the Earths closest celestial body, is culminating to the Sun Pluto meet up and is doing so being in the 22nd degree---there are those 2's again -----so its here, in this particular race where the curse starts.
Now, astrologically, its Saturns' job to delay things and fix karma, and its seems he too has cast his own shadow on the length of this curse lasting this long, --but Saturns' trine to Uranus, off only by 3 degrees, is setting this breaking of the curse to be an 'historic upset'. Saturn is historic and Uranus is is upset. So it will come at a time when most won't be expecting it.
I would surely love to have a foal date for Apollo, but that doesn't mean I can't move my thoughts to the idea that he must of had some special star dust sprinkled down on him at the time of his birth that gave him the vitality and power to skip a foundation one gets as a racing two year old. One only has to look at the finite details of the birth chart belonging to the beloved Secretariat to see the glory of stars foretelling his tale as record breaking race horse. Note: I'm using this same measuring tactic to hopefully predict the winners of this years Derby.
So lets continue and see what the star chart for 2018 Kentucky Derby has to offer for this Saturday, at post time, for the 144th Kentucky Derby. Remember, we will be looking for those dang 2's.
Now, astrologically, its Saturns' job to delay things and fix karma, and its seems he too has cast his own shadow on the length of this curse lasting this long, --but Saturns' trine to Uranus, off only by 3 degrees, is setting this breaking of the curse to be an 'historic upset'. Saturn is historic and Uranus is is upset. So it will come at a time when most won't be expecting it.
I would surely love to have a foal date for Apollo, but that doesn't mean I can't move my thoughts to the idea that he must of had some special star dust sprinkled down on him at the time of his birth that gave him the vitality and power to skip a foundation one gets as a racing two year old. One only has to look at the finite details of the birth chart belonging to the beloved Secretariat to see the glory of stars foretelling his tale as record breaking race horse. Note: I'm using this same measuring tactic to hopefully predict the winners of this years Derby.
So lets continue and see what the star chart for 2018 Kentucky Derby has to offer for this Saturday, at post time, for the 144th Kentucky Derby. Remember, we will be looking for those dang 2's.
And there they are!!!! Right there in the 3rd house of the chart. The Moon again is 22° degree, and exactly trining the Moon at 226 Taurus when Apollo set the curse in motion. I found that measurement interestingly profound. The timing for the Moon to be measuring the 22nd degree of Capricorn at post time for the 144th race of The Kentucky Derby is just too impeccable for comfort. And it must mean there is a good gar-dang chance a break in the curse could happen this 2018 Derby. In addition,
The Sun for this Derby is not in a conjunct aspect with Pluto as it were in the races of 1882 and in 1875, but it is applying to a Trine (120°) to Pluto by 3°23'. So the curse seems to have some relevance with this Derby in someway, because the Sun and Pluto are meeting up again in the heavens. The only difference is they are doing it from a different angle.
In order for you to see how profound this Moon measurement is, you have to understand that the Moon moves 13 degrees a day, so it being the same degree as Pluto was when the Derby began in 1875, and as the Moon was when Apollo set the curse in motion in 1882, and seeing it again 135 years later for this 2018 Derby it tends to leave me questioning the timing that ends this curse. Again, nothing lasts forever.
But is this planetary line up enough? Do the horses who qualify to break the curse have it in the star destiny? I think they do.
So lets go look at the 2 non racing 2 year olds, Justify or Magnum Moon, and see if either of their Stars at birth have anything nearing this 22nd degree in their birth stars. You can click on the chart below to enlarge them. Note: Sunrise birth times were used to erect these charts.
The Sun for this Derby is not in a conjunct aspect with Pluto as it were in the races of 1882 and in 1875, but it is applying to a Trine (120°) to Pluto by 3°23'. So the curse seems to have some relevance with this Derby in someway, because the Sun and Pluto are meeting up again in the heavens. The only difference is they are doing it from a different angle.
In order for you to see how profound this Moon measurement is, you have to understand that the Moon moves 13 degrees a day, so it being the same degree as Pluto was when the Derby began in 1875, and as the Moon was when Apollo set the curse in motion in 1882, and seeing it again 135 years later for this 2018 Derby it tends to leave me questioning the timing that ends this curse. Again, nothing lasts forever.
But is this planetary line up enough? Do the horses who qualify to break the curse have it in the star destiny? I think they do.
So lets go look at the 2 non racing 2 year olds, Justify or Magnum Moon, and see if either of their Stars at birth have anything nearing this 22nd degree in their birth stars. You can click on the chart below to enlarge them. Note: Sunrise birth times were used to erect these charts.
Justify - March 28, 2015
Magnum Moon - May 09, 2015
What you have to understand about the movement of the Moon is that she moves about 13 degrees a day, so it spends roughly a little more than two hours transiting 1 degree of the zodiac. So these magnificent beasts having both their Moons so tightly connecting to the degree of the curse---and possible to their own Moon at birth tells me we could certainly see one of them breaking this curse, and possibility even fighting for it.
Who would I pick to do it? Well,
Magnum Moon, whose own name and own possible Moon position offers it up as the curse breaker. I got to bet on her to Win, just so not to anger the Gods.
But wait, Justify wants the Run for the Roses, and his birth stars are pretty dang interesting too. First off, his Sun is 7 degrees of Aries, and he has drawn the 7th post position. This is no coincidence...his own stars foretold this number would be of importance some day, and that day has come. Plus,
Justify has the magic of the 3's ---there is what is known as the 3 6 9 mystery in that these numbers can never get away from each other----go read about it, its fascinating. The Kentucky Derby is attached of course to 3 races, its own, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes for the Triple Crown. Isn't the Crown royalty? Hey wait, there is the word ROYAL hiding inside the word ASTROLOGY. So maybe, just maybe there is something to this GLORY of a race horse and the STAR LOGO he is born under.
For Justify, the magic of the 3's is this
Now does this all mean Justify will Win the 144th Kentucky Derby---and not Magnum Moon,
Well, the Sun (Authority) and Jupiter (Justice) will be opposing each other at post time---both of these planets symbolize his name, Justify---so I'm thinking he has a very good shot at it.
But the Moon, is conjunct Pluto and Mars---so could they both be heading for the finish line together? Remember, I told you that its both the Sun and Pluto, 2 celestial bodies, responsible for this curse of the 2's ---so what if is going to take 2 horses (and they are the only 2 horses the qualify) needed to help bring the curse to an end. If the curse was written in the stars in 1875, installed in 1882, than there must be a tie to the stars for when the curse gets broken.
I got to mention here that the number 16, which is the post position for Magnum Moon, is known to the ancient Chaldean numerologists as the number that, 'falls from a high place' how apt in that the Gods must incarnate to return to Earth in order to end this curse.
So just to stay on the good side of the Gods, you might want to stop thinking about the fact that both of these three year old race horses with no foundations as a two year olds, can't possibly pull this off. The Stars, and the Gods, if they do have a say over such matters, suggest they can and that it might be time that one will. So you best better use both of them in your tickets just to play it safe, not so much for the win, but to save a piece of history if it happens.
Maybe you best buy two tickets. One to save. One to cash in.
By the way, Mercury (speed and movement) was measuring 25 degrees of Pisces for Justify at birth, but in its total degrees of celestial longitude it measure 355 ---so perhaps, his 3 in this measurement of 355, helps him to Win this race taking place on 5/5 ... and
If we take the Apollo chart for when the curse was set in motion, and progress it up to the day of this 144th Run for the Roses, we see Saturn has a measurement of 055 degrees of total celestial longitude, so maybe the curse will finally end this May 5th, which can otherwise be written the way Saturn measures, 5/05.
Nothing in this universe lasts forever. It appears impeccably timed that this long standing Curse of Apollo can end at the 144th. I wouldn't miss an opportunity to hold that ticket.
We are figuring our other choices for the 2018 Derby, be sure to give us a visit over at Bet The
Best of Love and Luck to all this 144th Derby, and may all the field be safe in their travels to the finish line.
Who would I pick to do it? Well,
Magnum Moon, whose own name and own possible Moon position offers it up as the curse breaker. I got to bet on her to Win, just so not to anger the Gods.
But wait, Justify wants the Run for the Roses, and his birth stars are pretty dang interesting too. First off, his Sun is 7 degrees of Aries, and he has drawn the 7th post position. This is no coincidence...his own stars foretold this number would be of importance some day, and that day has come. Plus,
Justify has the magic of the 3's ---there is what is known as the 3 6 9 mystery in that these numbers can never get away from each other----go read about it, its fascinating. The Kentucky Derby is attached of course to 3 races, its own, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes for the Triple Crown. Isn't the Crown royalty? Hey wait, there is the word ROYAL hiding inside the word ASTROLOGY. So maybe, just maybe there is something to this GLORY of a race horse and the STAR LOGO he is born under.
For Justify, the magic of the 3's is this
- 3 Starts
- 3 Wins
Has 3 planets in at his birth measuring in 3 6 9 mystery
- Mars 27 Aries - 2 + 7 = 9
- Jupiter 12 Leo - 1 + 2 = 3
- Pluto 15 Cap - 1 + 5 = 6
- More importantly, he got here in time to enter a 144 Race (1 + 4 + 4 = 9)
- as a 3 year old competitor with a focus to attempt a win at
- the Triple (3) Crown.
Now does this all mean Justify will Win the 144th Kentucky Derby---and not Magnum Moon,
Well, the Sun (Authority) and Jupiter (Justice) will be opposing each other at post time---both of these planets symbolize his name, Justify---so I'm thinking he has a very good shot at it.
But the Moon, is conjunct Pluto and Mars---so could they both be heading for the finish line together? Remember, I told you that its both the Sun and Pluto, 2 celestial bodies, responsible for this curse of the 2's ---so what if is going to take 2 horses (and they are the only 2 horses the qualify) needed to help bring the curse to an end. If the curse was written in the stars in 1875, installed in 1882, than there must be a tie to the stars for when the curse gets broken.
I got to mention here that the number 16, which is the post position for Magnum Moon, is known to the ancient Chaldean numerologists as the number that, 'falls from a high place' how apt in that the Gods must incarnate to return to Earth in order to end this curse.
So just to stay on the good side of the Gods, you might want to stop thinking about the fact that both of these three year old race horses with no foundations as a two year olds, can't possibly pull this off. The Stars, and the Gods, if they do have a say over such matters, suggest they can and that it might be time that one will. So you best better use both of them in your tickets just to play it safe, not so much for the win, but to save a piece of history if it happens.
Maybe you best buy two tickets. One to save. One to cash in.
By the way, Mercury (speed and movement) was measuring 25 degrees of Pisces for Justify at birth, but in its total degrees of celestial longitude it measure 355 ---so perhaps, his 3 in this measurement of 355, helps him to Win this race taking place on 5/5 ... and
If we take the Apollo chart for when the curse was set in motion, and progress it up to the day of this 144th Run for the Roses, we see Saturn has a measurement of 055 degrees of total celestial longitude, so maybe the curse will finally end this May 5th, which can otherwise be written the way Saturn measures, 5/05.
Nothing in this universe lasts forever. It appears impeccably timed that this long standing Curse of Apollo can end at the 144th. I wouldn't miss an opportunity to hold that ticket.
We are figuring our other choices for the 2018 Derby, be sure to give us a visit over at Bet The
Best of Love and Luck to all this 144th Derby, and may all the field be safe in their travels to the finish line.