On December 3rd in 1979 when the very first 3 balls were drawn to begin Ohio's Pick 3 Evening draw game, Venus, the planet ruling over Love, Beauty and Money measured 276 total degrees of celestial longitude.
Those are the same 3 digits that were drawn for that very first Evening game --- 672 --- Venus was a BOX HIT! NOTE: If you don't already know, NASA's JET PROPULSION LABOTORY measures the planets positions in the heavens in degrees of celestial longitude--known as the celestial coordinate system. |
There are two ways to express planetary measurements.
I am always delighted to find and share these types of connections when sighting such tidbits between the stars and events. "As above, so below".
In the chart below I offer the measuring position of all the planets in the Birth Chart of Ohio's Evening Game erected for December 3, 1979 at 7:29 PM in Cleveland, Ohio in both expressions.
Since we measure the stars in 3 digits against the 360 compass, I thought I would appeal to your love of numbers and present to you how often those celestial longitude measurements showed up in resulting draws from the time the game began in 1979 until the end of 2022.
That's 43 years counting each time one of the Ohio's Pick 3 Birth Stars measurements performed in the Evening draw game. Check it out! Pretty dang cool right?
- One is it's total degrees of longitude-672---, and the other is in its
- zodiacal notation, where in the Pick 3 Birth Chart we see the planet Venus exactly measured 6 degrees of Capricorn and 42 minutes on December 3rd in 1979 at 7:29PM.
I am always delighted to find and share these types of connections when sighting such tidbits between the stars and events. "As above, so below".
In the chart below I offer the measuring position of all the planets in the Birth Chart of Ohio's Evening Game erected for December 3, 1979 at 7:29 PM in Cleveland, Ohio in both expressions.
Since we measure the stars in 3 digits against the 360 compass, I thought I would appeal to your love of numbers and present to you how often those celestial longitude measurements showed up in resulting draws from the time the game began in 1979 until the end of 2022.
That's 43 years counting each time one of the Ohio's Pick 3 Birth Stars measurements performed in the Evening draw game. Check it out! Pretty dang cool right?
Now check out MERCURY! Mercurys' measurment is 21 Scorpio otherwise expressed as 231 ---- and this combination boxed is one of the top performing numbers in Ohio's Evening game. Mercury, to us Astrologers, is the ruler of numbers and letters. Mercury has an eccentric orbit and takes roughly 87 days to make one orbit of the Sun. Which means during the course of journey around the Sun he will measure between 000 degrees and 359 degrees every 87 days.
A check of the top performing PAIRS for Ohio since the game began, shows that the 12 PAIR holds 2nd place with 823 shows since the game started in 1979 to the end of 2022. And is out numbered for 1st place by only 5 more draws by the 01 Pair for 828 draws. Which by the way, are the same numbers in the Sun's measurement ---10 degrees of Sagittarius. But wait! That's not it.
The Sun's measurement is 250 total degrees of celestial longitude, which is the date in time, May 20th, 2007 (5/20) when a Sunday draw was added to the Pick 3 game.
Lastly, it was 19 years after the Ohio Pick 3 game began that a Midday game was added on August 16, 1999, ---the same number that is held by Neptune at 19 degrees Sagittarius, which was in opposition to the Moon in Gemini and considered to be conjunct the Sun---and they all tied into the Midheaven in Pisces. This is an aspect that is known as a mutable TSquare.
Mutable is the keyword here and means liable to change. All three zodiac signs, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, are classified as mutable, or as dual signs--- which means more than one. So Ohio always had two draw 3 games written nicely in its Stars, and it was celestially timed to come about as well. I'll tell you about that below and how well adding the Midday game was also timed by the Stars.
A check of the top performing PAIRS for Ohio since the game began, shows that the 12 PAIR holds 2nd place with 823 shows since the game started in 1979 to the end of 2022. And is out numbered for 1st place by only 5 more draws by the 01 Pair for 828 draws. Which by the way, are the same numbers in the Sun's measurement ---10 degrees of Sagittarius. But wait! That's not it.
The Sun's measurement is 250 total degrees of celestial longitude, which is the date in time, May 20th, 2007 (5/20) when a Sunday draw was added to the Pick 3 game.
Lastly, it was 19 years after the Ohio Pick 3 game began that a Midday game was added on August 16, 1999, ---the same number that is held by Neptune at 19 degrees Sagittarius, which was in opposition to the Moon in Gemini and considered to be conjunct the Sun---and they all tied into the Midheaven in Pisces. This is an aspect that is known as a mutable TSquare.
Mutable is the keyword here and means liable to change. All three zodiac signs, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, are classified as mutable, or as dual signs--- which means more than one. So Ohio always had two draw 3 games written nicely in its Stars, and it was celestially timed to come about as well. I'll tell you about that below and how well adding the Midday game was also timed by the Stars.
The Moon in a persons' Birth Charts tells us what they need. The Moon tells about home life, mother, and the health condition of the breasts and stomach. Its how we react to the world around us and shows a style to which we would describe one's personality.
But in a Birth Chart for an Event such as the Pick 3 Evening Draw Game, the Moon, would be more sighted to its popularity among the masses, it offices, its staff, how it shows itself to the public.
On August 16th, 1999 when the Midday game was added to the Pick 3 Draw game, the Planet of change, Uranus was exactly Trining, forming a 120 degrees angle, to Ohio's 14 degree Gemini Moon in its Pick 3 Draw game birth chart.
Uranus measured 14 degrees of Aquarius, otherwise expressed as 314 degrees of total celestial longitude, which is also one of Ohio's top performing numbers over the last 43 years; and it also holds two of the numbers that showed up in the first Midday drawing, 131.
Ohio's pick 3 lottery Birth Chart is pretty dang cool. It's almost magical. At least, I hope you found these musings over its stars and numbers as entertaining as I have. Let me know below in the comments any thing you may know about the Ohio Pick 3 Lottery Game.
But in a Birth Chart for an Event such as the Pick 3 Evening Draw Game, the Moon, would be more sighted to its popularity among the masses, it offices, its staff, how it shows itself to the public.
On August 16th, 1999 when the Midday game was added to the Pick 3 Draw game, the Planet of change, Uranus was exactly Trining, forming a 120 degrees angle, to Ohio's 14 degree Gemini Moon in its Pick 3 Draw game birth chart.
Uranus measured 14 degrees of Aquarius, otherwise expressed as 314 degrees of total celestial longitude, which is also one of Ohio's top performing numbers over the last 43 years; and it also holds two of the numbers that showed up in the first Midday drawing, 131.
Ohio's pick 3 lottery Birth Chart is pretty dang cool. It's almost magical. At least, I hope you found these musings over its stars and numbers as entertaining as I have. Let me know below in the comments any thing you may know about the Ohio Pick 3 Lottery Game.